Sunday, March 24, 2013

What's in your Easter basket?

Every year I try and move further away from an Easter basket full of trinkets and candy and move closer to a basket full of thoughtful and fun spring surprises.

Check out a few of my Easter basket finds, and please share yours too!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Post about Peonies

Peonies are my all time favorite flower! Here are a few pics of the peonies from my garden last spring along with a peony arrangement trick and a new garden tradition...

Peony Arrangement Party Trick!

Want peonies for your next spring party? Cut your peonies when the buds are just opening and are showing a lot of color. Then refrigerate without water for up to one week. Recut peony stems when ready to arrange and enjoy!

New Garden Tradition

For special anniversaries or occasions plant a peony bush or your other favorite variety in honor of the event. My dad planted a hydrangea bush in my front yard to celebrate the birth of my twins. When I got home from the hospital it was there to surprise me and will be there for years to come!